Be Alert With Disaster Survival Kits

By Paul F. Joshua

No one wants to picture themselves in a predicament where they will need a survival kit, but you do need to think about it. If you do not, you never know when something will happen where you wished you had disaster survival kits nearby. That is why you can do these on your own. Here are a few things you should include.

The first thing of survival is that every person needs food and drink. Water is always best. That is why in all the disaster kits you will have food and water. The rule of thumb for this is that you should have enough for three days as far as food and a gallon full of water on hand. Food should be canned so that it is non perishable. You might even want to throw in a can opener or two to be sure that you can open them and do not starve to death.

Another thing that you should include is a radio. This should be battery operated as you will not always have power. The way that officials get through to you and the community is by way of radio and television. If the power goes out you need to know what they are ordering people to do. This way everyone stays safe.

Things to keep warm are always a good idea as well. For instance blankets so that you do not get hypothermia. There should be extra clothing and supplies to practice as much proper hygiene as possible. The warmer you are the less likely you are to be in any serious danger. If you pass out you should have something with you that can help them to identify you. That is how people can check on you. It is a frightening thing but you do have to be prepared for it.

Due to the fact that you can hurt yourself, it is always good to have a first aid kit. This way you can work on small things yourself. You do not know how many times people were thankful that they had the above items as well as a first aid kit.

If you have children or babies, it is always good to have things that can keep them content. A blanket they can hold is nice. For infants, you should have formula and diapers on hand for in times of need. Make sure to keep renewing the formula as formula does go bad.

You might be trapped so having blankets with you can help you. People get cold fast and when you are in shock that is no fun. You could actually die from that. So, make sure you have those things around. They can be of great need whether you realize that or not.

When you have these items you can be sure that you are prepared for the worst. Many people laugh it off, but anything could happen. They need to know who you are in these times of need and you have to have the resources to keep yourselves alive. - 29972

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5 Reasons Your Business Might Not Have the Right First Aid Kits

By White Martha

Every place of work needs a first aid kit--there's no getting around it. And yet if there's one notion safety suppliers take note of over and over, it's that many companies make a collection of simple errors when discussing safety--screw-ups that are easy to get around. None of these things are really heavy errors, just ordinary things that can happen in the workplace.

But as any employee who has gone through a rough office incident knows very well, 'everyday' work environment ignorance can end up leading to accidents very much out of the ordinary. Thinking about this fact, I hope to examine five everyday mistakes companies commit with first aid kits, and how we can easily solve them.

1) Choosing the wrong kind of kit. Depending on the mode of business environment you have, your safety concerns will be shifting. There are several varying types of kits, all directed towards the necessities of a particular place. Making sure your purchase fits is the first priority.

2) Customizing their own first-aid kit despite a lack of expertise. Just like we call trained paramedics for any medical issue or incident, we have first aid kits which are made to be suitable for the biggest number of possible outcomes. If your office is making a custom first-aid kit, seek some help from the people with experience.

3) Not getting what's in their box. This is an eternal problem--staff are hit with a situation, throw open the first aid kit, and are completely confused by the majority of what's in most first aid kits. Some quick brushing up will sort out the issue in no time.

4) Overdoing the use of a portable first aid kit. Lots of people turn to portable kits, and they're extremely helpful. But all too often, those self-same kits are ported into a corporate environment and easily morph into 'the' kit of the office. When you're here, you've just violated rule number 1 once again.

5) Not maintaining their kit. If serious accidents are rare-to-non-existent on a job site, nicely done. But when a first-aid kit really does get used, its contents need to be replaced, and that can't be delayed--nobody can predict when an accident might come about in the future. An under-stocked kit is like not possessing one entirely.

Each of these concerns can be dealt with in minutes--today's kit suppliers are rapid, great value, and can give you perfect first aid kits to suit any company's requirements. Avoid making these five common errors, and make an office that's fully covered for all. - 29972

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Are You Prepared with Emergency Kits in Your Home and Car?

By Paul F. Joshua

Emergency kits are something we all know we should have ready and easily accessible, yet we rarely actually go through the process. And they can literally save the lives of us and our families. Putting together an emergency kit really is not that difficult a task.

You do not have to look far to find lists of suggested items for your emergency kits. Some of them are standard, while others may depend on the area in which you live. Other considerations are more personal, such as whether you have pets and if anyone in your household has medical conditions.

Bottled water is one of the key ingredients in your emergency kit. Water is the thing we can live without for the least amount of time. You will also want food that does not spoil quickly, that is lightweight and requires minimal, if any, preparation. Power bars are always a good choice. Do not forget to include food and water for your pets.

Commonly added items also include a first aid kit, matches, a radio that is operated by batteries or hand cranked, blankets, one or more flashlights and extra batteries. There are emergency blankets you can buy that take up very little storage space. Any prescription medicines should be put in the kit, at least in small quantities. A bit of cash is also a good idea.

While you are putting together an emergency kit for your home, do not forget about your car. Kits for automobiles should the same items as the one for your house. Also make sure that you have flares in your trunk, as well as items that make sense for your area such as a shovel, kitty litter for ice and scrapers.

Put all your emergency items in a suitcase that is specifically for that purpose. You do not want to risk emptying it for a vacation and then never getting around to putting it back together. One that has wheels and is easy to take with you quickly will be best.

You may want to purchase at least part of your kit already prepared. There are many companies that offer these kits for sale. Even if you would prefer to create your own, you can at least start with a prepackaged kit. This way you can rest easy that you are covered with the basics.

The kit should be gone through every six months to replace water and any food that is coming up on its expiration date. Check through the expiration dates on the batteries as well and change the ones within the flashlight. Batteries left inside can become corroded in which case neither they, nor your flashlight, will work.

Do not delay another day. Purchase or put together your emergency kits now. Should an emergency strike, you do not want to be caught unprepared. You will rest far easier once you scratch this item off your list. - 29972

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So What Is Contemporary Modern Survival Equipment?

By Paul F. Joshua

A thousand years ago, man pretty much struggled to survive each and every day and the only survival equipment which enabled them to stay alive was the ability to make fire. This was used for cooking, purifying water and to scare off wild animals. The winter chill could also be kept at bay with fire.

Make no mistake, the ability to make fire has never changed in survival importance, but the methods have certainly changed with the times. There is one piece of equipment that almost all outdoors people keep handy at all times - the flint stone.

Strike the flint against any metal and a spark is produced which is strong enough to set fire to light materials like fine grass, cotton or paper. Use this new small flame to light your pre packed fire stack. Flint can get soaking wet without ever loosing its ability too spark. Compare this to a box of matches or your butane lighter and you will soon see the sense in carrying flint with you.

The fact that people still get lost in very remote places renders most modern equipment quite useless. Here we think about items such as mobile phones that may be out of signal reach and on top of that, have a very limited battery life. Same applies for GPS systems that may not have satellite coverage to help a lost tourist out of trouble.

As we live in modern times, we do not think that we might end up in situations that mimic our forefathers whom lived without any help or these facilities. So when people end up in these situations, they may realize that they do not have the slightest idea how to survive.

To think that you may never get caught in trouble may just be the biggest mistake you will ever make. A car can leave you stranded in the middle of nowhere with no help options, or your yacht may sink and leave you hanging onto bottle in the middle of the Atlantic. Surviving could prove difficult.

You need to know that a clear head will see you get out of trouble again. Keep control of your mind and your chances of survival will be much better than if you give up mentally. On land, it may be good to make your way back to places you know you will be found. Before you go, indicate the direction you walked, and also mark clearly that you were on that spot.

Climb up any tall safe structure like hills or trees to get a birds-eye view of the area. Seeing where you are from up there, you can avoid difficult areas like rivers, ridges and thickets much better. Leave clearly visible markings all along your trek.

In the case that you are injured and cannot move far, rather set up a place where you can stay safe, then let others know where you are. Again your choice of tools includes fire. Make a fire and the put some green material on it to create thick white smoke. People will come and look for a signal, which may be seen from far away.

It may be nice to have all kinds of survival equipment with you, but all of these instruments can prove worthless should you stop thinking. To survive like others, you need to stay positive like other survivors before you. - 29972

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Eight Most Vital Survival Gear Items To Cope With Any Eventuality

By Paul F. Joshua

In any survival trip or an emergency situation there are going to be a number of items that are essential to your well-being. This survival gear will allow you to cope with almost any situation that may arise. They will give you the peace of mind and comfort that you know you are prepared for any eventuality.

The actual 8 most essential items will vary depending upon your plans and the advice you take, but some pieces of gear are fundamental. These items can be divided into three categories: navigating, protection, and emergencies.

1. Map and Compass: If your survival experience is going to involve any amount of camping, walking or hiking then you are going to need a good map that shows both man made and geographic features such as trails, buildings, streams, terrain, and vegetation. A map by itself is pretty useless without a compass. When you line up the magnetic north on the compass with that on the map you will then be able to navigate confidently without any problems.

2. Flashlight: A flashlight is fundamental to any survival situation. You need to ensure that you have adequate batteries and a spare bulb. It may be worth investing in a headlamp so that your hands are free for other tasks.

3. Sunglasses: You may at first not think that sunglasses are important for survival. But if you have ever had to trek across snow or ice you will understand just how quickly you can get blinded. Sunglasses take up almost no space in your luggage so they are worth adding.

4. Extra Food and Water: Depending on how long you are going to be living outdoors for will alter your emergency water and food requirements. Water needs to be consumed when your body needs it and not rationed out a fixed number of hours. Tinned food is great to carry when trekking or in a survival situation.

5. Extra Clothing: When outdoors it is vital to keep warm and dry. For this purpose you should always have a rain proof jacket and an emergency blanket. Neither of these have much weight so they can easily be carried.

6. Waterproof Matches: When in a survival trip or situation it is important to have fire. It can keep you warm, ward off animals, and you can cook with it. For these reasons it is essential to carry waterproof matches so that you know that when you rest you will be able to get a fire going. It can also be of great help to have a fire starter such as a large candle.

7. Pocket Knife: This is a must. You can use a pocket knife for food preparation and fire building. Even without matches a pocket knife can create fire as steel on a flint rock will produce sparks.

8. First Aid Kit: Everybody knows that a first aid kit is necessary in most survival expeditions. It should contain painkillers, bandages, iodine, cotton wool, antiseptic cream, and antibiotic tablets. - 29972

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Survival Packs Can Save You During A Disaster

By Paul F. Joshua

When it comes to survival packs you can buy one already made or you may choose to make one yourself. It does not matter which one choose to do as long as you do own one of them. Having a survival pack can mean the difference between life and death. If you choose to buy a survival pack you should know that there are several to choose from. You can buy survival packs for one person, two people or even four people. You can buy a small fanny pack or a large back pack.

Having the right contents in an emergency can be just the thing that keeps your family alive. Remember that your survival pack needs to take up limited space. Make sure you have the essentials but nothing more. You could make an inventory list to help make the survival pack.

Your survival pack should be easy to carry so that you are not easily tempted to live not take it with you. A disaster can strike at any time and you will need to be prepared. Being mentally prepared when a disaster strikes is the most important thing you can do. You do not put this in a survival pack but it will keep you alive just as much as food will. Everyone needs first aid and survival knowledge. Research these things and learn everything you can.

If anyone in the family takes prescription medicine or wears glasses you may want to consider having extra in the survival pack. Most doctors will agree to give you an extra prescription or sample packets if the medicine is something you can not be without.

Find a bag you can carry comfortably. Your bag should be large enough to carry your kit but not too large. You will also need to decide if you want this bag to be waterproof. I will list several essential survival pack contents. You will need to determine which ones you want in your pack.

Having a first aid kit is very important. Some first aid kits can be bought in water proof containers if you buy one that is not you can always store it in a Ziploc bag. Ziploc bags are great for keeping all of your items dry. You should be sure to add gauze, bandages, antibiotic cream, aspirin and a suture kit to your survival pack. Check the first aid kit for these items before you buy them.

A Swiss army knife, flint rock, compass, and can opener will all come in handy during a crisis. These can all be used for several situations as well. A snake bite kit is a great idea as well as water purification tablets. You could always leave out the tablets and just boil water for ten minutes to ensure its safety.

Having a disposable lighter in your survival packs is a smart thing to do. Some people even feel the need to add fishing equipment such as fishing line, hooks, and lures. You will also want to add bottled water, food, and a flashlight. These are all very important. You need to be aware of any expiration dates. You will also need to make survival packs for different situations. If you are going camping make one for that. You should also have a survival pack at home in case of natural disaster. Keeping a survival pack in your car is a good idea too. - 29972

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The Ten Most Essential Survival Supplies For A Hiking Trip

By Paul F. Joshua

If you are going to spend any amount of time trekking or hiking in the wild then you will need to carry survival supplies. These should cover you for any situation or eventuality that may arise. What these supplies include will depend upon your experience of the outdoors as well as the environment, season, and time of year.

Before you set off you should also arm yourself with a degree of knowledge relating to how to start a fire, build a shelter, as well as understanding about wilderness foods and how to trap game and fish. This information cannot be bought and stored in your rucksack!

Experts suggest the most important items are -

1. Knife: A strong sturdy knife is one of the most important survival items. You could use a penknife or a non-folding type. They can be used in food preparation, to gather and fix shelter materials, and also to help make fire.

2. Water Purification: The body needs water to survive. But it can take a considerable time to make a fire and boil water so that it is clean enough to consume. For this reason you need to carry water purification tablets. Any water you come across in the wild may be polluted or contain bacteria.

3. Blanket: Even if you build a great shelter then there is every chance it is going to get cold during the night, so it is important to have a good blanket with you. If you get very cold your body may become hypothermic. You should carry either an emergency metallic blanket or a woollen variety.

4. Lighter: No matter how long you are planning to be outdoors for it is essential to able to get a fire going. For this reason it is important to carry a couple of lighters. A fire will allow you to purify water, warm the body, dry out wet clothes, cook food, and keep animals at bay.

5. Matches: It is important to have a few different fire lighting items. Your lighters may get broken or quickly run out. Waterproof matches should be carried on any trek as an important reserve item.

6. Map and Compass: You may be an excellent navigator but if fog descends then visibility can be seriously impeded. You should carry a map and compass so that you do not stray off the trails and become lost.

7. First Aid Kit: Before you leave your home you should put together a comprehensive first aid kit. This has to include any medications that you need as well as items that can improve your health if you have an accident or become sick.

8. Flashlight: When trekking it can happen that the sun sets before a camp has been set up. You will then need to use a flashlight when you build a shelter and collect firewood. It pays to have many spare batteries and a couple of extra bulbs. A flashlight can also be used as a signal.

9. Sealable Bottle/Container: This is an essential item to be able to collect and purify water. It can also be used to store small items when it is empty.

10. Cord: A good length of cord can be put to may uses. It will help to strengthen a shelter or bundle firewood together. - 29972

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Important Disaster Survival Info And Knowledge To Help You Be Ready For Any Situation

By Paul Joshua

Nobody likes to imagine themselves being caught up in a disaster. But the sad truth is that this does happen every year to tens of thousands of people with devastating consequences such as serious injury, loss of life, and damage to property. To help lesson the potential impacts of such a situation it pays to have a lot of disaster survival info that you can put into practice if the worse happens.

As a general rule, state governments should have a well put together disaster management plan and emergency teams on standby. If the disaster is very severe then it may not be possible for anybody to rescue you and your loved ones immediately. Therefore it makes sense to be both mentally and physically prepared for any eventualities that may arise. The first step is to draw up your own household disaster plan.

1. To be well prepared you need to be aware of what the potential disasters are in your locality. If there is an emergency management office in your town or city then they should be able to inform you about the chances of specific natural disasters. Also they should be willing to tell you about any chemical or nuclear hazards that are nearby. If terrorism is a concern of yours then they will be able to offer you some advice in this area.

2. If you have children in a school then you can ask the school authorities if they have an emergency response plan. This also goes fro your workplace; the management should have some sort of plan in place.

3. Talk to all the people in your household about what should be done in particular disaster scenarios, this needs to include a route and plan for evacuation.

4. Plan with your family how you will keep in contact if you got separated in a disaster. You should try to choose two meeting points, one in your neighborhood and the other out of town in case you are evacuated.

5. Designate a friend or relative who your immediate family can contact in case of emergency. This individual should live in a separate geographic area to your family.

6. It can help to visualize two escape routes from every room in your house, make sure everybody agrees that these are the quickest and safest routes.

7. Compile a list of phone numbers for an emergency and keep it in a secure place. Your children need to know who to contact or go to if for some reason you cannot make it back home.

8. Everybody that lives in your home should understand when and how to turn off the mains water, electricity, and gas. It is often the case that even the home owner is not aware of where the main switches are.

9. It does not take much time to do a basic first aid course, they are held quite often in most towns. In the case of a disaster there are people that are going to need medical treatment.

10. A first aid kit is vital in any disaster situation. It needs to be kept somewhere accessible to all your family. It should contain anti-inflammatory drugs, anti-septic cream, iodine, painkillers, water purification tablets, antibiotics, and bandages. - 29972

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Disaster Survival Guidance Instruction Important For Your Well-Being

By Paul Joshua

Today, it seems like everywhere you turn, people somewhere are being faced with a major disaster. Sadly, many are not prepared, and they lose their lives because they don't have access to the basic necessities of life. Stop and think. What would you do, and how would you protect your family in a strong earthquake? The best thing you can do is to follow the disaster survival guidance information, and get your family prepared.

There are three levels of preparation for disaster that you should be aware of. Level 1 is the simplest to prepare for. It is the ability to live without the necessities of life for three days. Level 2 is in case help doesn't get to you right away, and you need to survive for up to 20 days. Level 3 is the plan for the worst scenario one can imagine and would prepare you to survive for 60 days. We will talk about the preparation for Level 1.

Plan where you will meet your family if something happens, and you aren't together. Fix a place close to your home and another one a distance away, just in case you aren't able to get back to your home. In an emergency, it is very important to be able to locate your family members.

The main priorities that you will need to take care of are water, food, heat, your physical protection and safety, sanitation, means of communication and your health. You need to sit down and figure out a way to meet those needs before a disaster actually happens. Let's look at some of these together to help get you started in the right direction.

Water is the most basic necessity of life. You simply can't live without it. You need to count on one gallon of water each day per person, and if you have a pet, you will need one-half gallon of water each day for it. Fill soda bottles with tap water and keep them stored in a place of easy access.

Water for washing is important for your health. You can cut back on this necessity by buying up disposable plates, silverware and cups. If you can get inside your house when a disaster strikes, immediately fill up all the bath tubs and sinks with water.

An adult or teenager can live without food for three days, but it would be extremely difficult for a small child. Psychologically food provides us with the security and comfort we need in a time of extreme stress. Put dried food, jerky, granola bars, prepackaged staples and canned goods in totes, and store them nearby. Your supply kit will also need to have Clorox, matches and a can opener.

Make a first aid kit with all of the essentials to treat wounds and burns. Include any regular medicine that people in your family take on a regular basis. Just be sure to keep it updated.

You will need to have a good supply of small bills and coins on hand. Have a couple of larger bills, too, just in case it becomes necessary to bribe someone for something. A mantle lantern and a good flashlight will meet the need for light.

Continue to work with the ideas in the disaster survival guidance information. Develop the other areas, and make sure you have everything ready. In case of a major disaster you will be relieved to know that your family is prepared. - 29972

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Disaster Survival Information To Assemble A Basic Supplies

By Paul Joshua

Many disaster survival information articles often cannot agree on what the basics to survival are, and often it leaves you confused and worried if it happens. Many times it's information on one surviving one type of catastrophe. This guide applies common sense to get you the basic equipment you need to survive anything.

Even if you live in Tornado Alley, on the Atlantic coast and worry about hurricanes or live on a fault line and earthquakes are your concern, the information below can give you the tools you need. You will the same basic items no matter where you live.

The first thing people think to do is to have a place to sleep and have protection. Always check and make a checklist of things to check on your house to make sure the structure is safe. If it is, clean the glass from the room so you don't run the risk of cuts. If its not, having an emergency tent available can be a lifesaver. Enough bottled water for several days should also be a priority.

Food is another item you should have. Having a few days worth of canned goods with a can opener is a must. Stores may be inaccessible for several days. You should also have cash that you can get to, because if the stores are open, the likelihood of them taking a credit card will be slim, and they may not take checks either.

You also need to have other basic items. A flashlight can indicate to rescuers where you are, and give you some safety at night. You will also need to have a battery operated radio, and batteries to run it so you can listen for any emergency reports, since this might be the only communication you can receive. It has also been shown in past disasters that your cell phone can also be working and this can be useful since they can call for help and let people know where you are

You should also plan on having a first aid kit. You don't need to have to be an expensive one, a bottle of alcohol and bandages will suffice. Menstrual pads can be used as well, since they are sterile and can staunch the flow of blood, retain more fluids, and are much cheaper then gauze pads. Include your medication you take, since it can be some time before you can get a prescription refilled, and have some over the counter medication as well. Remember to occasionally rotate these out so that if you need them they haven't expired.

Pets should also be taken care of, and including their needs in your cache of supplies should be done. Having a leash, a copy of their health care and inoculations and including them in your food and water supply is part of responsible pet ownership.

This disaster survival information can give you some comfort if the need ever arises for it. Have it where you can get to it if disaster ever strikes. This kit today can save your life tomorrow. - 29972

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Natural Disaster Survival Advice And Information To Keep You Alive

By Paul Joshua

It is not pleasant to think that we may be caught up in a disaster at some point in our lives. But the truth is that such events do occur, so it is important to be prepared through having as much disaster survival advice and knowledge as you can. This will dramatically increase your chances of keeping healthy if the worse happens. It can be a great help to put together an emergency survival kit.

1. In any disaster food is a priority. If you are trapped or cut off from transport links then you may not receive adequate food until a rescue can be organized. You should store a number of tinned foods that are high in protein and do not require much, or any, cooking. It may also help to add to your survival kit a collection of high calorie food bars, obviously these need to have a long shelf life.

2. You cannot survive without a supply of clean water. It is important to have some purification tablets and also a number of airtight containers in which you can collect rain or stream water.

3. It can be very useful to have a whistle. This can be used if you are trapped inside a building to draw attention to yourself. It can also be used to signal to others if you become lost outdoors.

4. In any disaster it is likely that the power will be lost. At night you will need some form of lighting. You should keep a torch, batteries, and at least a dozen candles in any survival kit.

5. If you find yourself trapped in an enclosed space for a length of time then sanitation is important to keep good health. You should add a number of cleaning products and seal-able bags to you emergency kit.

6. After a disaster, first aid is often a priority, it is likely that some people may need medical assistance. You should ensure that you have a number of bandages as well antibiotics, antiseptic creams, iodine, painkillers, and any specific medicines that a family member may require such as insulin.

7. In any emergency it is very helpful to have a small radio. This can be used to receive news from outside so that you can be aware of how serious the situation is and when you will receive support. Of course it can also be used for entertainment.

8. If you live in a cold region then it is useful to have at least two emergency blankets stored with your survival kit. These can help to keep any individual warm in an emergency situation.

9. It is essential that if you are alone you stay awake for as long as you can, by falling asleep you will lessen your chances of surviving and also you may miss any rescuers that come by. If there is a group of you, then one member needs to always be awake.

10. At all times you should try to remain calm and rational. Many people lose their lives by letting their best judgement escape them during a disaster. You need to prioritize what are the most important factors for your well being and survival. - 29972

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An Overview Of Frostbites

By Gail Mardew

People who live in countries where freezing weather is felt all year round are surely familiar with frostbites already. They can easily tell you that it is a condition that one is better off without. People living in Alaska for example could probably give you the basic one-oh-one in avoiding getting frostbites.

Frostbites occur when a person is in an extremely cold environment yet clothed insufficiently against the low temperature. It is caused by long exposure to frigid temperature. That is why ears, nose, cheeks, toes and fingers are often the casualties for frostbites because these parts are often exposed. When frostbite sinks in, tissues and cells may be permanently damaged.

MedlinePlus, the information center of the U.S. National Library of Medicine and the National Institutes of Health, has enumerated symptoms for frostbites. Areas that are frostbitten are cold and hard to touch. Early stage of frostbite is indicated by stinging red skin. The tingling akin to pins and needles will eventually feel numb appear white as the tissues begin to freeze. As the degree of intensity increases, the color of the skin darkens accordingly. Worst case frostbites may even appear blackened or bruised.

According to MedlinePlus, frostbite is damage to the skin and underlying tissues caused by extreme cold. In extreme cases of this affliction, blood vessels could end up damaged and cause permanent damage. Amputation will then become a necessity because f let alone, this could develop into gangrene and may spread to other unaffected areas of the body.

For minor case frostbites, there is still a chance for complete recovery. Once the affected area is allowed to thaw blood will eventually circulate freely once again and prevent permanent cell tissue damage. This is a very painful process however. Along with the return of sensation in the numbed, frostbitten area is a tingling that will later escalate into intense pain.

Another serious thing about acquiring frostbites is that it rarely happens to a person without having to suffer other afflictions as well. Other accompanying ailments could be hypothermia and trauma, especially if the events leading to the exposure of oneself to intense cold are quite daunting. And as mentioned above, gangrene can develop and will certainly be dangerous if the damaged area is not given immediate and appropriate medical attention.

Most people will say that prevention is better than cure and this is certainly a case in which that saying perfectly applies to. People living in cold countries may already know the SOPs in preventing frostbites. If you're traveling to a place with extremely cold weather take the necessary precautions and pack the appropriate clothes that will keep you warm. Thick mittens, water resistant clothing, hats, scarves and mufflers are basic necessities. - 29972

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First Aid Help For Burns

By Roger Henry

Burns are classified in order of their severity and involvement in the tissues of the body; the classifications are: first, second and third degree burns. First aid for burns is specific to the burn injury. First aid for burns varies slightly from the less serious burns to the severe. Second degree burns can be as severe as some third degree burns if they cover a major portion of the body, or on tender areas of the arms, hands and feet.

First degree burns and first aid

The epidermis or the outermost layer of your skin is what is affected in a first degree burn. In the first degree burn the epidermis sometimes called the body's raincoat since it protects you from external elements and bacteria is not burned too badly. Unless sensitive areas such as the face, hands, feet, groin and buttock are affected, it is considered a minor burn. The first thing to do is to get away from the heat. Apply cool water in order to cool the burn. This will help ease the swelling and diminish the pain. A cool compress should be applied if available.

First aid and second degree burns

Second degree burns penetrate down to the dermis, which is the second layer of skin. There is a layer of fluid that collects between the epidermis and the dermis, which causes blistering. Severe pain is associated with a second degree burn due to swelling. As with the first degree burns the first aid for burns are the same. Remove yourself from the source of the burn. Run water over the burn or if that isn't feasible, place moist towels over the burn for 15 minutes to cool reduce the swelling and cool the burn. If the second degree burn is larger than 3 inches treat it as a major burn, especially if the burn is on the face, hands, feet, buttocks, groin or major joint. Large second degree burns should be treated like an emergency. Dial 911 and get medical help immediately.

Giving first aid to third degree burns

You would think that in third degree burns you would feel excruciating pain. But this is not true because the nerve endings have been burned away. It is hard to evaluate the severity of a third degree burn at first. The burn may have gone through fatty tissues or gone through muscle tissue or even right to the bone. Some PHDs even refer to a fourth degree burn when it has gone to the bone.

For 3rd degree burns, start by making sure that the victim is moved to a safe area. Call 911 or anyone else that can help. In the meantime get the victim to lay down with their feet positioned high above their heart. This will help to alleviate any symptoms of shock. Do not soak the injury in water as this may cause the victim to go into shock. Get a wet cool cloth and apply to the burned area to try and cool things down a little. Do not remove any clothing that appears to be stuck to the wound. Let the pros take care of the victim when they arrive. - 29972

About the Author:

Diet, Blood Pressure, Good Health

By Dave Merril

Relation Between Diet and Blood Pressure - If you have Bad eating habits then it contributes significantly to unhealthily high blood pressure levels, even in middle age, when blood pressure levels typically rise as part of the aging process. Whether or not you are taking antihypertensive drugs, the need to make dietary improvements (eg. follow a healthy low-fat diet) is frequently at the top of a doctor's list of recommendations to reduce or prevent the onset of high blood pressure. Before outlining the best type of diet for hypertension, let's take a brief look at health consequences of raised blood pressure.

Under-developed countries, and even some that aren't , often have populations up to 40% that struggle with chronic high blood pressure. This not only strains the heart, leading to heart attacks, but may cause problems with other organs. Strokes, kidney failure and eye damage are all common results of high blood pressure. This "silent killer" will often cause damage before you even realize there is a problem.

Normal Blood Pressure Levels vs. Pre hypertensive and Hypertensive - Normal blood pressure of an healthy adult at rest, is 120 (systolic) over 80 (diastolic) or less. Blood pressure levels greater than 120/80 and below 140/90 are at pre hypertensive stage, while levels above 140/90 are considered hypertensive stage. Both pre hypertensive and hypertensive subjects should make diet, exercise and lifestyle changes to reduce or prevent the onset of hypertension and reduce the risk of heart disease.

Body weight will affect blood pressure. Overweight people will have higher incidences of high blood pressure. By losing weight, the risk is decreased. Obesity actually doubles the risk; seven out of ten adults considered obese also suffer with high blood pressure.

Choose A Healthy Balanced Diet - If you want to reduce your blood pressure, your diet should be rich in fruits, vegetables, and low-fat dairy foods, while low in saturated and trans-fats. It should also be low in cholesterol, high in fiber, calcium, potassium and magnesium, and moderately high in protein. The American Heart Association and U.S. government recommend the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH diet) as a good diet guide to reduce blood pressure.

Too much sodium and salt also affects blood pressure. This works because the salt causes fluid to be retained in your body. The volume overload leads to high blood pressure. It may also strain the arterioles. These are the blood vessels that regulate blood pressure and flow. The daily intake of sodium is 2,400 mg for most people.

To decrease sodium, eat fewer processed foods. Sodium occurs naturally in fresh foods, but the quantity is much lower that for processed food (such as canned or frozen dinners). Condiments, such as BBQ, soy, and steak sauces, salt dressings and other are high in sodium. Picked foods, sodas, and instant foods are also high in sodium. Learn to read labels to help you make appropriate food choices.

To help lower salt intake check labels of food containers. Choose those foods which labeled as low-sodium, very low sodium, or salt-free. Check food labels for words that indicate a high sodium content, including: sodium nitrite, sodium proprionate, disodium phosphate, and sodium sulfate., monosodium glutamate (MSG), sodium benzoate, sodium hydroxide,

Lower Sodium eating habits: Do not add extra salt when cooking or preparing meals. Cook with more herbs and spices. Do not have salt on the table while eating. Do not add salt on salad. If you cook with salt, switch to chili, ginger and lemon juice for flavoring. If you eat cured/smoked meats, switch to fresh cold meats. If you eat ready-to-serve breakfast cereal, choose low-sodium types of cereal. Rinse before eating, if you eat tuna, salmon, sardines, or mackerel canned in water. If you eat soup, switch to low-sodium or fresh soups. If you cook with whole milk, switch to 1 percent or skimmed buttermilk. Remember taking less salt in your diet will help keep your blood pressure within normal Limits. - 29972

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